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Kimberly P. Yow

Kimberly P. Yow

Hi there! I'm Kimberly Yow, a passionate journalist with a deep love for alternative rock. Combining my two passions, I've found my dream job. Join me on this exciting journey as I explore the world of journalism and rock music.

Today’s Verse – 2 Corinthians 8:5

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And [the young Macedonian believers] did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.

2 Corinthians 8:5

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Paul’s encouraging the Corinthian brothers and sisters to support other believers in need in Jerusalem. Paul nudges the Corinthians and says he was surprised at the Macedonians’ generosity to the LORD’s work for two reasons:

They were impoverished and had little to share.Rather than viewing what they had as their own, they gave themselves to God and then to his servants who were asking for help to minister to others.

These enthusiastic new believers in Macedonia — Thessalonica and Philippi — were great examples to other believers. Their generosity reminds us of how we should approach our giving to help others in need: give ourselves first to God and then generously share what we have with others!

My Prayer…

O righteous Father and generous God, forgive me for being selfish with the blessings you have so richly entrusted with me. I give my heart, worldly goods, and life to you fully, not holding back anything from your will. I ask that you help me know how to use these blessings best and share them generously with those you want to bless through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

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