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Kimberly P. Yow

Kimberly P. Yow

Hi there! I'm Kimberly Yow, a passionate journalist with a deep love for alternative rock. Combining my two passions, I've found my dream job. Join me on this exciting journey as I explore the world of journalism and rock music.

Today’s Verse – Romans 12:11

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Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

Romans 12:11

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Paul is emphatic that Jesus’ disciples must be full of spiritual fervor to serve the LORD. Jesus was even more emphatic that God wants us to be passionate about our Christian life. He told the believers in Laodicea to repent and be passionate when he said:

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:15-16)
Jesus has done so much to redeem us. Let’s live passionately for the LORD, and “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep [our] spiritual fervor”!

My Prayer…

Holy LORD and King of the Ages, I confess: I have sometimes let my spiritual fire die down and my spiritual fervor wane. Jesus, please have the Spirit come with holy fire, kindling a renewed zeal and passion for you in me as I live my life and influence those around me. I want to zealously and shamelessly pursue your mission in today’s world and live a vibrant life that shows I love Jesus as my LORD! I ask this in Jesus’ name and to honor you, Father. Amen.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

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